«Fikser verden» – BBC dekker religionsdialog i Kenya

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Et av våre prosjekter internasjonalt er religionsdialog i afrikanske land, blant annet i Kenya (du kan lese mer om prosjektet her).

Nå har BBC World Service i sin podcast-serie «Fixing the world» laget et innslag om hvordan våre partnerorganisasjoner arbeider for å redusere religiøs motivert vold og diskriminering mot skeive:

The LGBT community in Mombasa, Kenya has suffered from violent mob attacks in recent years – often fuelled by influential preachers spreading messages of hate. But one group decided to tackle this in a remarkable way: they have directly engaged with faith leaders. In carefully controlled meetings the pastors and imams get to know LGBT people and have their misconceptions challenged. This has led to a big reduction in violence. Now many of those religious leaders use their influence to help the LGBT community fight discrimination wherever they find it.

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Skjermdump av nettsiden til peoplefixingtheworld

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